RE: ACPI results Inspiron 8000

From: Ryan <>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 15:16:51 -0700 (MST)
Are you able to suspend to disk? So far I haven't been able to suspend to
disk on my Inspiron 8200. I'm using the "fixed" DSDT table from the URL
you posted as well.

Ryan "leadZERO" Sommers
Gamer's Impact President
ICQ: 1019590

-= =-

Thomas said:
> Hi
> If you just looking for working acpi with your inspiron 8000 then try this
> patches at
> It works for me with -current.
> regards
> Thomas Vogt
>>I've done some testing with acpi:
>>S1 level -> does not blank the display.
>>S2 level -> unsupported by the BIOS
>>S3/S4 level -> reboot the machine, with at best a print_cpu debug
>> statement=
>>s5 level -> works as expected
>>[1] I've pressed 'pause' and copied it for anybody that wants the
>> register=
>>I've set the dump device and dumpdir, but no dumps are created - it's a
>> reb=
>>without a panic apparently.
>>Attached are:
>>* dmesg.boot
>>* Kernel config
>>* acpidump output
>>* loader.conf
>>* S1 run output (the only way to wake-up is to 'open the lid')
>>* oids.start: relevant oids
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Received on Mon Dec 01 2003 - 13:17:21 UTC

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