BTX halts installing 5.x

From: Josh Paetzel <>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 11:11:18 -0600
I'm trying to install FreeBSD on a Dual Pentium Pro 200mhz 512K cache system and I am getting the 
following error:

CD Loader 1.01

Building the boot loader arguements
Looking up /BOOT/LOADER... Found
Relocating the loader and the BTX
Starting the BTX loader

BTX loader 1.00  BTX version is 1.01

int=00000005  err=00000000  efl=00019286  eip=0001c8a4
eax=000000a3  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
esi=cce65d00  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=0009407c
cs=002b  ds=0033  es=0033    fs=0033  gs=0033 ss=0033
cs:eip=62 6f 6f 74 2e 6e 65 74-69 66 2e 69 70 00 62 6f
       6f 74 2e 6e 65 74 69 66-2e 6e 65 74 6d 61 73 6b
ss:esp=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
BTX halted

I've tried warm booting after this and I get the same results.  I've tried 5.0-RELEASE, 5.0-DP1, 
5.1-RELEASE, and three different snapshots, all of which work fine on my other machines, including one 
other SMP box.  It's also worth noting that 4.8-RELEASE and 4.9-RELEASE install fine on this box.

I can boot 4.9 and post a dmesg if that would help, but to briefly describe the hardware:

Intel PR440FX Mainboard
Dual Pentium Pro 200mhz 512K Cache CPUs
Adaptec 7880 SCSI controller
4.3 gig IBM Wide SCSI-2 Disks
Intel EtherExpress Pro LAN adapter
I've tried a couple different video cards, Cirrus Logis and SIS PCI
320 Megs of Registered ECC SDRAM

I've tried googling for a solution for this as well as perused the -CURRENT archives and haven't seen 
anything relevent to this issue.

Thanks in Advance,
Josh Paetzel
Received on Tue Dec 02 2003 - 08:12:58 UTC

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