Re: CardBus USB 2.0 Controller (NEC uPD)

From: Craig Boston <>
Date: 11 Jun 2003 23:08:42 +0000
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 19:37, Bernd Walter wrote:
> There are known problems with USB2.0 cardbus cards.
> We have some kind of resource problem - Warner already wrote something
> about it some time ago.

Ah, thanks.  Any hints on where to find it?  I tried adding his name to
my archive/google searches but keep coming up with many unrelated
posts... :-/

About all I've managed to do so far is to verify that it doesn't appear
to be an interrupt routing problem.  The driver is indeed receiving
interrupts.  However the status register only says that it's a root hub
status change, never to advise that a transfer is complete :-(  Polling
mode doesn't seem to help as it queries the same register...

It also sometimes interrupts with intrs==0 right after a transfer
starts, which sounds bogus to me.  I'm in single-user mode and positive
that nothing else on irq 11 is interrupting.

Oh well, for now I'm content to just keep hacking on it and learn more
about how the code works :)

Received on Wed Jun 11 2003 - 14:08:46 UTC

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