Re: HEADS UP: bzip2(1) compression for manpages, Groff and Texinfo docs

From: Matthias Buelow <>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2003 22:15:34 +0200
Narvi writes:

>I definately don't agree on texinfo files - these aren't all that small.
>For example, the sizes of vs are:
>	306122 May  7 22:40
>	400320 May  7 22:41

Hmm, one might consider 100K insignificant on today's disk sizes :)

>there are any benchmarking paranoids around). On the speed side, the speed
>of bunzip2 only matters if the speed difference between it and gunzip were
>user perceptible on even not really up to date at all hardware, which is
>not the case AFAICT.

I would disagree if this were a NetBSD list ;)  But since it isn't,
you basically might be right.  A bigger matter is the working set
of the bunzip2 process, I think it's always at least 3-4 megs while
uncompressing.  But then again, this isn't NetBSD, which you would
want to run on "obsolete" hardware (like an old, slow VAX with 8 megs
RAM, for example). ;)

Matthias Buelow
home: mkb/at/
uni:  mkb/at/
Received on Wed May 07 2003 - 11:15:29 UTC

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