Re: Updated 5.1 status

From: Scott Long <>
Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 10:35:00 -0600
Wilko Bulte wrote:
> On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 02:29:26PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
>>On Fri, May 16, 2003 at 05:23:26PM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
>>>As many have noticed, 5.1-BETA install and CDROM bits have been
>>>available from the ftp sites for ia32, pc98, and sparc64 for a little
>>>while now.  The release engineering team had originally intended to give
>>>a formal announcement of these, but various delays got in the way and
>>>the announcement more-or-less fell by the wayside.  You'll also note
>>>that there still isn't an Alpha build, though David O'Brien, Wilko
>>>Bulte, and Ruslan Ermilov have been working furiously to correct this.
>>Well.. today I have for the first time seen a 5.1-BETA build complete
>>without errors.
>>It even installs from CD, but something is fubared in sysinstall (it appears
>>to me). Every Extracting <foo> fails, in the sense that sysinstall extracts
>>all the stuff, and then reports an error. If you boneheadedly ignore all
>>these failure messages you end up with a systems that appears to have
>>installed fine, and seems to work fine too. At least that is what my brief
>>testing on the AlphaStation 500 showed.
>>I am uploading the build as-is to freefall, if someone could push them over
>>to ftp-master? I know this by no means a clean build, but I would like to
> Once they are done uploading of course..

Can you send me the patch?  I have an XP1000 that is ready to try it.

Received on Sat May 17 2003 - 07:32:55 UTC

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