Re: Forward: HEADS UP! Default value of ip6_v6only changed

From: Michael Nottebrock <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 17:15:39 +0100
I wrote:

> I find the notion of making people "fix" their software to not rely on 
> RFC-defined behaviour problematic. I'm actually glad to see NetBSD 
> reversed their unfortunate decision regarding the default (and OpenBSD's 
> stunt of not even providing a knob is very evil indeed).
>> I understand that itojun would like to see this aspect of RFC2553
>> amended.  I don't know what the prospects of this happening are on
>> the IETF level.

FWIW, I wonder if the publication of, 
especially the paragraph:

"OpenBSD also caused a lot of grief on the IPv6 front. The OpenBSD guys 
intentionally broke their IPv6 stack to not allow IPv4 connections to and from 
IPv6 sockets using the IPv4 mapped addresses that the IPv6 standard defines 
for thus purpose. I find this behaviour of pissing on internet standards 
despicable and unworthy of free operating systems."

has inspired NetBSD's move. :-)

    ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               |
  (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     |
    \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD |

Received on Wed Oct 29 2003 - 07:15:45 UTC

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