Re: ATAng - copying atapi CD

From: Soren Schmidt <>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 19:57:01 +0200 (CEST)
It seems Sean Kelly wrote:
> > I have a perl script that dd's each audio track from an audio cd.  The
> > tracks are copied just fine until it gets about 75% into a 70 minute
> > cd.  dd then gets slower and slower until it seems to grind to a halt.
> > eventually, I'll set TIMEOUT messages and won't be able to kill the
> > current dd process.   Same results with DMA or PIO modes.  Shorter
> > (40 minute) CDs make it through the process OK.
> > 
> > Soren's crdao 1.1.7 for ATAng also grinds to a halt when copying a cd.
> I saw this on ATAold as well, using cdparanoia, dd, dagrab, etc. I just
> chalked it up to my drive being stupid, though it did it on several audio
> discs. So, maybe it isn't me after all? I don't recall seeing any timeout
> messages, though.
> And when I say ATAold, I mean ATAold from a week or so before the ATAng
> commit.

I just test a couble of audio CD's on tre different ATAPI drives, I didn't
see any slowdown at all.
I think this can be both because of the drive as well as the media..

Received on Tue Sep 02 2003 - 08:57:16 UTC

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