RE: lnc0 in VmWare doesn't work

From: Rob MacGregor <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 16:33:23 +0100
On Tuesday, August 17, 2004 3:28 PM, Brian Fundakowski Feldman
<> danced on the keyboard and produced:
> Why aren't you reading what I posted?  If lnc doesn't work,
> it's probably
> because there's some extra constraint on the usable memory range that
> is incorrectly specified in the driver.  You should try to get VMWare
> to give you information on that, since you're a customer.

Ah, my bad.  I did read what you posted, but saw another post that reported a
breakage, but didn't appear to reference VMWare.

Having a closer look, it *does* reference VMWare.  I'll go flag the bug up on
their boards.  Sorry.

 Rob | Oh my God! They killed init! You bastards!
Received on Tue Aug 17 2004 - 13:33:33 UTC

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