Re: RELENG_5 ipfw problem

From: Oliver Brandmueller <ob_at_e-Gitt.NET>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 16:13:54 +0200

On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 02:22:02PM +0200, Andre Oppermann wrote:
> Oliver Brandmueller wrote:
> >connection to port 25 is possible from a 192.168.25.x IP directly, but 
> >if I enable this host on the load balancer, I do only see incoming 
> >packets to port 25 on fxp0 but don't see any packets going back (on 
> >neither fxp0 now em0 not even lo0). The forwarded packets simply 
> >disappear.
> Please provide the ipfw line from dmesg as well.  Then we can start to
> diagnose the problem.

champagne# dmesg | fgrep ipfw
ipfw2 initialized, divert disabled, rule-based forwarding disabled, default to deny, logging disabled

additional information can be found here:		(KERNCONF)	(full dmesg)	(loaded klds)	(make.conf)

"rule-based forwarding disabled" seems to be the point here. But I still 
don't understand a few things then:

- I did not not see any note about this change in UPDATING?

- While this option is disabled, why can the rule then be loaded and 
  matched? If I don't enable dummynet, I cannot even load a dummynet

- How to enable it?

I think at least there's a POLA problem.

- Oliver

| Oliver Brandmueller | Offenbacher Str. 1  | Germany       D-14197 Berlin |
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Received on Fri Aug 27 2004 - 12:13:56 UTC

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