Re: WEP does not work?

From: Michael Nottebrock <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 18:32:23 +0100
On Friday, 10. December 2004 18:22, Sam Leffler wrote:
> Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> >On Friday, 10. December 2004 07:42, Sam Leffler wrote:
> >>>Just curiosity, `hw' MIBs print both regdomain and countrycode are 0.
> >>
> >>hw.ath mib entries define values used to initialize each new ath device.
> >>  You cannot set regdomain (yet) but countrycode can be overridden by
> >>setting hw.ath.countrycode before loading a device.
> >
> >This I've been wondering for a long time now - what countrycode represents
> >what country?
> These are iso country codes.  The regulatory domain codes are iso also
> but include non-iso ones defined for groups of locales with common
> operating characteristics.  Then there are ones that have been added
> because countries/regdomain's change their operating requirements and
> it's necessary to recognize both old and new requirements.

Does somebody (perhaps Atheros Comms. themselves) maintain a publicly 
available list somewhere?

   ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               |
 (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     |
   \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD |

Received on Fri Dec 10 2004 - 16:32:32 UTC

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