Re: [PANIC] page fault -> bremfree: removing a buffer not on a queue

From: Andreas Kohn <>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 19:47:19 +0100
On Wed, 2004-02-18 at 19:09, Doug White wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Feb 2004, Andreas Kohn wrote:
> > FreeBSD xxxxxx 5.2-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT #36: Fri Feb 13 20:17:22
> > CET 2004     root_at_xxxxxx:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KLAMATH  i386
> >
> > Before the panic happened, I was compiling/linking some software, and
> > watching TV (bttv/xawtv). The linking process gave some strange error
> > messages when linking to (Nvidia drivers), which I can't
> > remember. I think it complained that that library wasn't valid, but
> > those messages repeated to fast to read & remember.
> You've probably tripped over the incompatibility between KSE and the
> nvidia driver.  You will want to use libmap to remap libpthread to libc_r
> until nVidia issues a fixed driver. please email them :-)
> I believe this is in UPDATING.
> libGL links against pthreads.

My libmap.conf contains currently:

which is how I understood the UPDATING entry. Without these entries or
when mapping libc_r to libpthread, OpenGL applications will core dump.

I understand that mentioning "libGLcore + NVidia" makes one think about
the pthread issues, but I don't think that this is the case here. 

I did the linking of the same application again a few minutes ago, and
it worked. The messages I do remember did say something that the was invalid. I did not reinstall the nvidia drivers after
the crash because everything worked, so I really cannot see what could
have happened. 
Perhaps some stupid bit flipped at the wrong place and time, and
triggered everything else (linking triggered hard disk activity, hard
disk activity and xawtv triggered panic, panic happened at bad moment so
the bremfree thing happened. That is currently my "explanation" :/)


Received on Wed Feb 18 2004 - 09:47:23 UTC

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