Re: vlc and dvd

From: Dany <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2004 14:58:28 -0500
I don't know what happened to my original message (I must be drunk). 
Please use this corrected version

Dany wrote:

> and make sure your user has access to /dev/dvd or /dev/cdrom
> - under 4.x you can just link /dev/dvd to the real /dev/acd.. and then 
> chmod /dev/cdrom so the user can access it
> - under 5.x , because of devfs you won't be able to do the same so an 
> easy way to do it is to have your user in the operator group
> /etc/sysctl.conf
> vfs.usermount=1
> //dev/devfs.conf

link acd0 dvd     # will create /dev/dvd
perm acd0 0660 

> link acd0 dvd       # that will create /dev/dvd
> /perm acd0 0660/
> /
> /etc/group,
> wheel:*:0:root,USERNAME
> operator:*:5:root,USERNAME

> the your user can mount  and also /dev/dvd
> Dany
> Pav Lucistnik wrote:
>> V pá, 02. 01. 2004 v 20:00, Randy Bush píše:
>>> i tried to start vlc with a dvd and get
>>> % vlc
>>> VideoLAN Client 0.6.2 Trevelyan
>>> [00000152] main input: playlist item `dvd:/dev/dvd_at_0:1'
>>> [00000152] main input error: no suitable access module for 
>>> `/://dvd:/dev/dvd_at_0:1'
>>> [00000153] main input: playlist item `dvd:/dev/dvd_at_0:1'
>>> [00000153] main input error: no suitable access module for 
>>> `/://dvd:/dev/dvd_at_0:1'
>>> [00000154] main input: playlist item `dvdsimple:/dev/dvd_at_1:1'
>>> [00000154] main input error: no suitable access module for 
>>> `/://dvdsimple:/dev/dvd_at_1:1'
>>> oh, and gnome totem sez
>>>    An error occured
>>>    The movie '/dev/cdrom' could not be read..
>>> clues?
>> Erm, it's obvious.
>> a) make symlinks /dev/dvd -> /dev/acd0, /dev/cdrom -> /dev/acd0
>> b) configure vlc and totem properly
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