Re: pam_nologin

From: Paul Horechuk <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 07:59:45 -0400
There was an easier "fix". In another attempt to remedy the problem, I 
did another install (binaries only). This again dropped me into a usable 
system with no password set for root. I have full access and I pulled 
down the latest cvsup of src for current. This was the second time I did 
the reinstall. The first time I set a root password and the same thing 
happened, a login core dump. So, for now I am hoping a clean build will 
cure the problem.

Jon Noack wrote:
> On 06/16/04 08:53, Paul Horechuk wrote:
>> I just finished a binary upgrade from 4.7 to 5.21. The /usr/src tree 
>> has been cleaned out and /etc backed up. Everything appeard to go as 
>> expected. The system installed the root account with no password. I 
>> set a password and restored my hosts file. Upon a reboot I get the 
>> following after entering a username (any name):
>> login: Unable to dlopen(/usr/lib/
>> Login: [dlerror: /lib/ undefined symbol "mac_is_present"]
>> login: adding faulty module: /usr/lib/
>> then I get a core dump (login.core)
>> I have to crash the system (Ctrl+Alt+Del) and login vy single user 
>> mode, but I don't have network access.
>> Without a network I cannot cvsup any patches.
> What I do when I need network access in single-user mode (mount disks, 
> turn on swap, turn on networking):
> 1) 'fsck -p' (ensure disk consistency)
> 2) 'mount -u /' (remount / as rw)
> 3) 'mount -at ufs' (mount the rest of the local partitions)
> 4) 'swapon -a' (get swap going)
> 5) '/etc/netstart' (start networking)
> This may skip steps, do more than needed, or not use the right commands 
> -- I don't know.  It's just always worked for me...
> Jon
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