Re: [acpi-jp 3090] Update on ACPI with FreeBSD CURRENT on ThinkPad T30

From: Nate Lawson <>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 16:03:47 -0800 (PST)
On Mon, 1 Mar 2004, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> I have not reported how ACPI is going on my systems for some time and
> there has been major improvement. I now run ACPI almost all the time.


> Things that don't work:
> - Suspend still does not turn off the LCD backlight.
>   Note: DPMS allows the screen to be blanked, but this does not turn off
>         the backlight, either. While Windows and BIOS (APM)can work this
>         miracle, I have been unable to get the light to turn off except
> 	by using the lid switch and suspending turns it back on!
>         sysctl returns:
> 1 -> 1

Try using the sysctls from the new acpi_video module to turn off the
backlight, perhaps by turning the brightness way down.  If it works, put
it in /etc/rc.{suspend,resume}.  If this doesn't work, it's probably
something the specific video driver for your system needs to do.

> - USB does not recover on resume (well known problem)

Yep, uhci still doesn't suspend/resume on many platforms.  Linux has some
of this problem too.

> - Sound runs too fast. After resume the sound runs at the default
>   clock-rate (about 53K) and can't be reset to 48K even by manually
>   issuing a sysctl to do so.

This will be solved by restoring the BARs.  Warner was working on this in
the p4 power tree but it's stalled a little.

Received on Mon Mar 01 2004 - 15:03:46 UTC

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