Re: sysctl spinning (was: Re: ps Causes Hard Hang) (fwd)

From: Cy Schubert <>
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 04:54:58 -0800
In message <>, Don Lewis 
> On  4 Mar, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > So far so good, the problem appears to be fixed. I'll leave it in 
> > production tonight. If I have any fallout tonight, I'll notify you tomorrow
> > morning.
> I'm somewhat suprised that you haven't seen any other signs of breakage.
> I'd expect to see either some sysctl calls that fail with an ENOMEM
> error, or the continuation of the looping problem, depending on which
> limit gets hit first.

I'm only seeing this problem on only one of my systems, the firewall, which 
has the smallest memory configuration (48 MB). The problem doesn't occur 
immediately after reboot but does occur a few minutes later when the squid 
proxy finally comes up.

So far I'm seeing an uptime of:

 4:45AM  up 8 mins, 1 user, load averages: 0.07, 0.64, 0.46

I'll watch it for the rest of the day.

Interestingly the other four systems running -CURRENT, three here at home 
and my desktop UNIX system at work (sorry, my prod systems at work still 
run -STABLE) have not exhibited any symptoms.

As far as any other symptoms are concerned, it never stayed up long enough 
for me to notice any other symptoms. What prompted me to notice is that my 
Internet connectivity disappeared because my firewall was down. As I hardly 
log into the box (it normally just... happily runs), I never really noticed 
anything else. I only log into it to maintain it, the rest of it's pretty 
much automated. So, no, I didn't notice any other symptoms as it just 
stopped working after the upgrade.

I will let you know by tonight how it fares. So far so good and this is a 
good sign so far.

Cy Schubert <>
BC Government                     .                       FreeBSD UNIX         .                        .  
Received on Fri Mar 05 2004 - 03:56:01 UTC

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