Re: ata - interrupt seen but task queue stalled

From: Ketrien I. Saihr-Kesenchedra <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 02:34:21 -0500
At 01:29 AM 3/23/2004, you wrote:
>I get this when I have a Pioneer DVD connected. I had to disable it in
>the BIOS to get the machine to boot.

This is a slimline IBM/Toshiba 24x CD-ROM. Very vanilla. Doesn't do 
anything over PIO4. Don't have the dmesg output for it handy.

>Sometimes booting with media in the drive helps.

First thing I tried, same thing. Wondering why it's forcing down to PIO4 in 
the kernel to begin with, but that's a problem for another day. ie; Once 
it's booting right again. ;/

-Ketrien I. Saihr-Kesenchedra <ketrien AT error404 DOT nls DOT net>
# Maybe this world is another planet's hell. --Aldous Huxley
Feanor smiles, "We, of course, are enlightened and s/Maybe t/T" 
Received on Mon Mar 22 2004 - 22:30:13 UTC

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