RE: best video card for bsds

From: Evan Dower <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 23:03:53 -0700
I wonder if someone might be interested in maintaining a web page about the 
current status of various video cards with respect to FreeBSD and X. Some 
sort of table with a card column, a driver column, a hardware acceleration 
status column, and a qualitative stability column would be fantastic. I'm 
sure it would be useful and appreciated. I personally would love to have a 
set place to look up this information whenever it's needed. It seems like it 
wouldn't be too much of a hassle to maintain, but then I'm not exactly 
volunteering either (though I might in a month or two ;-).
My two cents (which apparently originated because two cents was the price of 
a stamp to send a letter to the president of the United States),
Evan Dower
Undergraduate, Computer Science
University of Washington
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