Re: NOTICE: /dev/cuaa%d -> /dev/cuad%d renaming

From: Philip Paeps <>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 09:04:59 +0200
On 2004-10-13 19:29:08 (-0700), Randy Bush <> wrote:
> > > i am chasing this.  but i am getting confusing information about which
> > > pin is dcd.  on your bog-standard pee cee db9m, which pin is dcd?
> >
> > Pin 1.
> then phk's initial question was spot on.  i need to figure out how to wire
> up pin 1.  it's coming from a cisco 2511 over an rj45 to wirable shells
> which i currently wire as
>     PC DB9F connector for 2511 RJ45:
>     2       yellow
>     3       black
>     4       orange
>     5       red
>     6       brown
>     7       blue
>     8       white
> pins 1 and 9 and the green wire currently unwired.  now i have to trace the
> 2511's forward.

Mmm, this might be unrelated (haven't had a chance to test any post-renaming
kernels yet), but I've always been wiring my db9f->rj45 bits as:

 1 nc
 2 yellow
 3 black
 4 orange
 5 geen/red (soldered together)
 6 brown
 7 blue
 8 white
 9 nc

I'd be interested in finding a document with a simple list of all the possible
pinouts for serial bits and what to use them for.  It would probably help me
remember things too.  Now I always have to demolish an old connector when I
set out to make some new ones...

But this has nothing to do with your pin1 mystery :-o

 - Philip

Philip Paeps                                    Please don't Cc me, I am                               subscribed to the list.

  Most projects require three hands.
Received on Thu Oct 14 2004 - 05:05:06 UTC

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