Re: 5.3-BETA7 install cd: kernel trap 12 with interrupts disabled

From: Emanuel Strobl <>
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 19:12:25 +0200
Am Samstag, 16. Oktober 2004 13:27 schrieb Willem Jan Withagen:
> Peter Jeremy wrote:
> >On Fri, 2004-Oct-15 14:35:47 +0200, Guido van Rooij wrote:
> >>A make buildworld cannot be used in sich a scenario. A nice memtester
> >>that could be called from the bootloader would have been handy.
> >
> >
> >
> >I'm not sure how much effort would be involved in making memtest[86]
> >in a form that could be loaded by the bootloader.
> I'd be willing to do the work, but somebody needs to hold my hand in
> finding a place and way to get it early enough in the kernel. The
> memtest algorithms in themselves are not all that complex to program.
> Another valid remark was made about the environment. temperature and
> power are also very influential factors for holding electrons in memory
> cells. And these are hard/impossible to influence whilest running the
> tests.

Guys, I'd really love to see this great feature!!!
I'm no hacker but due to my past I know something of memory and I always liked 
the ASUS jumper which sets memory voltage between 3v3 and 3v6, with 3v4 as 
default. Perhaps you could add a comment that reducing the voltage to 3v3 on 
ASUS boards will expose failures more likely.



> An also important item for memory failure is refresh timing. It could be
> that the memory as such is correct, but that too much leakage causes
> bits to fall too fast. To detect this it requires that whole rows of the
> memory are not touched by either read or write for the duration of the
> refresh period. All in all again not very simple without knowing the
> memory architecture.
> These arguments have for me always been the reason, not to try implement
> a memory tester. Especially since most people using this will not be
> aware of  limitted relevance of the tests they are running.
> But like I said, give me some pointers on how to plug it into the
> kernel, and I'll get going on this.
> --WjW
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