Re: I deleted /stand/, but I need it again for diskless boot...

From: Rob <>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 15:04:54 +0900
Ryan Sommers wrote:
> Jose M Rodriguez wrote:
>> If You try to path /etc/rc.d/initdiskless, try not remove *.cpio.gz
>> expand using /stand, but add *.tar expand using /bin/pax.
>> You may also try some auto detection and use what is present between 
>> /stand/cpio, /stand/gzip, /rescue/tar, /rescue/gzip ...
>> Don't try moving gzip/libgzip from /usr to rootfs. It's really a big 
>> change.
> /rescue/* aren't the right tools for the job in my opinion. Neither are 
> /stand/*. I posted this to arch_at_ [1] and between that and this thread, 
> among others on current_at_, the overwhelming majority of responses have 
> been to get rid of /stand. I'm not sure I understand your argument for 
> leaving /stand as part of the root filesystem; other than as you say 
> your 250gb drives don't mind the extra 3.5mb. In my opinion it's useless 
> for both diskless and regular systems, with the exception of 2% of it's 
> space. It's not updated as part of world, which means no bug fixes get 
> populated to it. It's a crunchgen binary which means trying to fix small 
> bugs in single programs either means rebuilding the binary or replacing 
> that hardlink with an individual binary.

Sorry, I have changed my mind concerning patching my 5.3 system wrt.
this /stand vs. /rescue issue. I'd rather wait until this discussion
is resolved and moreover, until 5.3 has become STABLE and 6.0 has
become CURRENT.

For now, I will populate the /conf/base directory with the plain files
(not using zipped cpio-archives), in which case I do not need /stand.

The disk space used is then:
  324K  using etc and var as cpio.gz archives in /conf/base
  1.8M  using etc and var as plain files in /conf/base
  2.3M  /stand

    *.cpio.gz + /stand = 2.6M
    plain files - /stand = 1.8M

For now, with 5.3, I'll go for the plain files without /stand.
I can wait until 6-Stable for this to get reduced to 324K :).

Received on Tue Oct 19 2004 - 04:04:58 UTC

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