Re: FreeBSD 5.3b7and poor ata performance (or so it seemed)

From: Thomas Sparrevohn <>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 21:12:27 +0100
On Monday 25 October 2004 20:49, Scott Long wrote:

In this case the subject are very pooly reflects what the actual issues it 
should most likely have read

"help: I am having very poor performance in the ATA subsystem (any nobody else 
seems to)"

I am still pussled about why excatly the performance is a it is with this 
setup - but like eveybody else where english is not our native tongue it some 
time comes across a bit hasher than it should - The problem seen by Fandino 
are weird - any I am sure that FreeBSD not judged by it 

> Well, RAID-0 is a special case =-)  That said, putting discrete RAID
> classes into the GEOM layer is something of a new adventure, so I'm
> not surprised to hear about performance problems, even in RAID-0.
> There might be extra data copies or path latencies that weren't planned
> for or expected.  It's definitely something to look at.  But it's also
> a very new subsystem, so it would be unfair to judge FreeBSD performance
> with it.
> Scott
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