make delete-old fails in some cases

From: Morten Rodal <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 21:06:04 +0200
I have been trying to clean up an old machine using make delete-old 
(excellent by the way!), but I ran into some problems:

root_at_burton# make delete-old
>>> Removing old files (only deletes safe to delete libs)
[: /usr/share/man/man2/__syscall.2.gz: unexpected operator
[: /usr/share/man/man6/banner.6.gz: unexpected operator
[: /usr/share/man/man7/ascii.7.gz: unexpected operator
>>> Old files removed
>>> Removing old directories
>>> Old directories removed
To remove old libraries run 'make delete-old-libs'.

I have attached a patch which at least it doesn't give my any of the 
unexpected operator warnings, but I am unsure if it really is a fix.  
Please take a look at it and tell me if you need any more details.

Morten Rodal

"A supercomputer is a device for turning compute-bound
 problems into I/O bound problems." -- Ken Batcher (Goodyear Aerospace)

Received on Fri Aug 19 2005 - 17:07:42 UTC

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