Re: GENERIC build broken

From: Frank Catton <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 19:51:57 +0000
>I have stared with fascination on this email for a full 30 minutes.

That's good, it means that you're finally being to think about all the
people that you've pissed off since 1995. Ask, e.g. Sean Eric Fagan
why he chose not to contribute to FreeBSD anymore.

>In some weird way I feel honoured to have made such an impact on
>this persons life that they would go to such bother.

Don't make assumptions Poul. What bothers me is that you've turned
a very fine operating system into phkbsd. The phk way, or the highway.
When somebody confronts you because you made yet another change
to the tree without asking for consensus you just say "No" and get away
with it.

>And equally fascinating is the thought there is a town somewhere
>in the world, where this derailed mind sneaks out at night to
>spray-paint obscene things about me on walls I'll never see.

Don't think you're so important. I wanted to reply before, but I've been
busy doing some contractor work in Las Vegas. Still, I believe it was
important enough so you won't mind my reply being a bit late.

>	There are so many other ways you could have used your time.

Stop making assumptions. I've written a lot of code and contributed to 
FreeBSD. I no longer do. You finally convinced me 2 years ago that being
a FreeBSD committer wasn't worth the effort.

>	You could have written code or documentation, you could
>	have listened to music, played it yourself, read a good
>	book maybe ?

I've done all that. As for you, of all people, trying to tell someone else 
they are guilty of hubris and/or being an asshole, Mr. Kettle, I suggest 
you get over yourself. You've pissed off a fair share of people in the past 
through your tunnel vision and inability to play well with others too.

Oh, and don't top post. Makes you look as clueless as Scott.

     Saul Bloom 

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