Re: dhclient.conf for ath wireless

From: Kevin Oberman <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 09:00:52 -0700
> Rob B wrote:
> > At 06:18 PM 5/07/2005, Erik Nørgaard wrote:
> > 
> >> in dhclient.conf. But on boot, dhclient enters into an infinite loop 
> >> bringing up and down the interface, until I break it. I have to 
> >> manually run "ifconfig ath0 ssid MYAP mode 11g" and then start 
> >> dhclient manually to force it to associate correctly with MYAP.
> > 
> > Have you tried putting the appropriate ifconfig command line into 
> > /etc/start_if.ath0.  That works for me.
> Thanks, that was the keyword I needed. I searched google and at it 
> appears that in -current the start_if script may be replaced by setting 
> the options in the rc.conf:
>    ifconfig_ath0="ssid MYAP mode 11g DHCP"
> It doesn't seem to be appropriate if you hook up to various networks, 
> such as at home, Starbucks etc. would be neat to have the startup script 
> to run through the preconfigured networks and pick the first one that works.

Check out Tobias Roth's profile.

It will allow you to define any number of "profiles" and the first one
that matches our current connection will do a unionfs mount of a MD file
system over /etc. It must contain a new rc.conf and may contain any
other /etc files specific to a given location. I typically have two
start_if files (one for my wireless and another of the wired connection)
and a resolv.conf file in each profile.

It is a bit awkward to set up, but once set up, it just works. If I ever
have the time, I want to write some utilities to simplify setup and
management of profiles.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail:			Phone: +1 510 486-8634
Received on Tue Jul 05 2005 - 14:00:54 UTC

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