On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 17:01:13 +0800, Jia-Shiun Li <jiashiun_at_gmail.com> wrote: > Hi, > > These days I was trying to add a splash screen. I used VMWare to test, > but it cannot init VESA correctly, which is odd since VMWare claimed > its display to be VESA compliant. I then traced into > src/sys/i386/isa/vesa.c, found that it was cause by the flag V_NONVGA. > It will stop initializing if this flag is set, at line 655(v1.50). If > I comment it out, VESA will work on VMWare and I can happily use my > splash screen during booting. > > I tried to google some info, but still cannot figure out if the > 'non-VGA' flag really means 'not (IBM)VGA backward-compatible' or 'not > a display device at all'. But since anything implementing VBE must be > a display device to make sense, I suppose it to be the former. The > question is, if the checking of non-VGA flag can be safely removed? I > do not know if there is any devices depending on it to work correctly. > To me it seems ok without the checking. > According to VBE 3.0 page 26, the non-vga flag means 'not VGA compatible', so it should not prevent VESA from initializing. I did not found anyone responsible for this. Søren and Ian could you take a look at this patch? It makes VESA work on VMWare without breaking it on other (real)hardwares. Jia-Shiun. --- sys/i386/isa/vesa.c.orig Mon Mar 14 23:55:19 2005 +++ sys/i386/isa/vesa.c Mon Mar 14 23:55:42 2005 _at__at_ -652,8 +652,6 _at__at_ printf("VESA: information block\n"); dump_buffer(buf, 64); } - if (vesa_adp_info->v_flags & V_NONVGA) - return 1; if (vesa_adp_info->v_version < 0x0102) { printf("VESA: VBE version %d.%d is not supported; " "version 1.2 or later is required.\n",
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