Re: reboot hangs at Uptime:

From: Sten Spans <>
Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 20:44:39 +0200 (CEST)
On Sun, 29 May 2005, Richard Tector wrote:

> Christoph P. Kukulies wrote:
>> I still have the problem that my machine cannot be rebooted remotedly.
>> Doing a reboot command or typing CTRL-ALT-DEL shuts down the machine
>> but it then gives:
>> umount of /dev failed (BUSY)
>> Uptime: 2m2s
>> and then nothing. The computer sits there. Motherboard is an ASROCK
>> if that matters. 
> I've had a similar problem for a while on a dual P3 Gateway branded Asus 
> CUR-DLS motherboard but never really looked into it much. At the time I tried 
> both with and without the ACPI module loaded; reboots are not possible. The 
> machine hangs just after printing something like cpu0: reset()
> A basic shutdown -p now works fine and powers the machine off. Issuing 
> reboot/shutdown -r now however results in the above behaviour. The system has 
> tracked HEAD for a few months and the problem has existed as long as I can 
> remember.
> The machine is currently running the latest BIOS released by Gateway. I 
> didn't fancy trying the newer BIOS's from Asus. I've attached a copy of the 
> boot dmesg. If there's any other information that might be of help I can 
> supply that.

Try turning on usb in the bios (even if you don't have usb in the kernel),
this solved my reboot issues with supermicro serverworks p3 motherboards.

Sten Spans

"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen - Anthem
Received on Sun May 29 2005 - 16:44:41 UTC

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