Re: Installation error Intel mobile ICH6M SATA controller.

From: Eric Anderson <>
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 07:01:15 -0500
It had the ICH6M, but the 915GM is graphics I believe (so shouldn't 
matter).  Here's a somewhat recent dmesg output:

I'd guess either it's a BIOS config problem, or something that was 
selected on installed.   We have several D610's, and all the times I've 
tried installing FreeBSD on them, I've had no issues.

I don't believe we ever saw the output of bsdlabel and fdisk on ad0 - 
can you send that please?


Dean Patterson wrote:
> Do you have the Intel 915GM chipset and the ICH6M SATA
> controller?  
> --- Eric Anderson <> wrote:
>>Dean Patterson wrote:
>>>Well I checked it using the shell and it was
>>marked as
>>>active.  But the problem is that the ATA driver
>>>supports up to ICH5, per the man pages.  So how is
>>>that situation handled?  I assume that I am NEVER
>>>going to run FBSD on this laptop?
>>For what it's worth, I ran 5.4, 6.0, and 7.0 on a
>>D610 with no problems.
>>>--- Darren Pilgrim <> wrote:
>>>>From: Dean Patterson [] 
>>>>>I am sorry I should have mentioned that I also
>>>>>explicitly setting the slice active.  I will try
>>>>>and check it using the shell;  however, when I
>>>>>using the holographic shell nothing worked.  I
>>>>>using fdisk, bsdlabel, and ls and I always get
>>>>>message "command not found."
>>>>The holographic shell is not the same as the
>>>>shell.  The
>>>>holographic shell lacks, among other things proper
>>>>paths, which makes it
>>>>impossible to run many programs.  The "Fix-It"
>>>>is a menu option in
>>>>sysinstall and starts a fully-functional shell.
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>>Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator      
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Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.
Received on Sun Sep 04 2005 - 10:01:10 UTC

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