Re: VESA Framebuffer

From: FreeLSD <>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 18:34:51 +0300
Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 04:21:44PM +0100, Ivan Voras wrote:
> Vidcontrol is callable from boot process via settings in rc.conf 
> (allscrens_flags).
Yeah, I used to have allscreens_flags="MODE_291".

> >And vidcontrol cleans some amount of text buffer on the ttyv0 and some
> >output from the startup services is lost. It will be great if this will
> >be fixed.
> It doesn't clear it, it "scrolls" them away (at least, it does so when called 
> at boot).
 May be it is called "scrolls", but after the boot I do see the following:
I can scroll up pressing CapsLock and will see the kernel messages and
some output from the /etc/rc, but about twenty lines before the syscons
initialization are lost -- they are clean. This is what I call "cleans",
but the result is the same as for "scrolls": I do lose some lines of output
from the /etc/rc and this is annoying.
 Yours, LSD
Received on Thu Mar 02 2006 - 14:34:54 UTC

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