Re: BETA3 crash (zfs related ?)

From: Remko Lodder <>
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 13:15:50 +0100
Alexandre Biancalana wrote:
> Hi list,
>   My Backup Server is running 7-BETA3 from 3 days ago, is a single
> processor Core2 Duo with 2GB Ram AMD64 SMP Kernel with ZFS.
>   Last night the machine rebooted after a crash, bellow are my dmesg
> and some messages that I get from /var/log/messsages.
>   Let me know if you need some other information.
>   Thanks in advance,
>  Alexandre

Can you look at the developers handbook and follow the ways to get
a proper backtrace which we can investigate? I see from the logfile
that you send along, that a dump had been made, so the information
might be there :-)


/"\   Best regards,                      |
\ /   Remko Lodder                       | remko_at_EFnet
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/ \   ASCII Ribbon Campaign              | Against HTML Mail and News
Received on Sat Nov 24 2007 - 11:15:25 UTC

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