Addressing the pressing performance / bug issues (was "FreeBSD's problems as seen by the community")

From: Garrett Cooper <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 10:11:38 -0800
Eric Anderson wrote:
> Tom Evans wrote:
>> On Thu, 2008-01-10 at 15:39 +0000, Joao Barros wrote:
>>> On Jan 10, 2008 12:58 PM, Eric Anderson <> wrote:
>>>> Also - a really good (up to date) guide on setting up a nice 
>>>> development
>>>> environment would probably help huge amounts.  I know there are many
>>>> different environments, but that's great - we should write them all 
>>>> up.
>>>>   That would get more developers up-and-running quicker.
>>> This would be *MOST* welcome :-D
>> man 7 development
>> It is fairly simple to set up following those instructions.
>> Cheers
>> Tom
> That only covers part of the development process.  Once you get that 
> part set up, there are many other things to do.  Testing changes on a 
> real system, or testing them on a virtual machine, debugging crashes, 
> etc.
> Eric

Hello all,
    I've been reading the thread a bit (glossed over the licensing 
political drumming), and I realize that yes there is in fact a need for 
addressing issues. Would it be a good idea to compile a series of bugs 
using a prioritization system based on interest (number of stakeholders) 
and/or funding (say Cisco or Intel devotes X number of dollars for a 
feature)? I would think that that would be an effective system for 
gaging priority perhaps.
    Either way, quick links to a series of bug reports would be a good 
idea maybe, with some sort of escalation functionality for stale PR/bug 
reports. Does the current PR system do that?
    Feedback is more than welcome.
Thanks :),

PS I'll try to keep the topic on track as this is originally written for 
the purpose of providing solutions, as opposed to just discuss 
"political fluff", as it were.
Received on Thu Jan 10 2008 - 17:11:23 UTC

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