Re: URGENT: Need help rebuilding iir RAID5 array with failed drive

From: Sean C. Farley <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 11:09:45 -0500 (CDT)
On Sun, 29 Jun 2008, Rainer Duffner wrote:


> On our HP DL320G5s, FreeBSD7 didn't even detect the MatrixRAID array
> (RAID1).  Even the Windoze-guys tell us that they don't trust it.
> So we settled for RAID1 via gmirror.
> MatrixRAID is a scam, if you ask me - like all the other BIOS-RAIDs we
> have had the displeasure to see over the years.

I have been using the Intel MatrixRAID (ICH9R) with RAID1 successfully.
Already, I have had to replace one drive, and the rebuild worked.  The
only reason I used it instead of gmirror, which I use on another system
(FreeBSD-only), is that it allows the whole drive to be mirrored
regardless of what other OS's I have installed.

What other inexpensive (cheap! :)) and reliable (assuming MatrixRAID
counts) whole-disk (SATA) mirroring solutions exist?  The cheapest I
found on NewEgg is Syba ($12).  Personally, I have never heard of the
brand.  Is what you can get in the $12-30 range any better than
MatrixRAID?  Would they be any faster?

Received on Sun Jun 29 2008 - 14:09:47 UTC

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