Updated php, and apache segfaults on SIGHUP

From: Andrew Moran <amoran_at_forsythia.net>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 16:18:20 -0700
Hey guys,

I recently upgraded my php5 ports to latest ports tree versions  
(5.2.6), and now I'm in a situation where any HUP signal sent to  
apache is causing the entire process to dump core.  I get this in the  
apache error log:

[Mon May 19 16:08:48 2008] [notice] SIGHUP received.  Attempting to  
[Mon May 19 16:08:48 2008] [notice] seg fault or similar nasty error  
detected in the parent process

and this in the messages log:

May 19 16:14:45 celebrian kernel: pid 36900 (httpd), uid 0: exited on  
signal 11 (core dumped)

I narrowed it down to php - when I disable the php5 module, it doesn't  
behave like this.

celebrian# pkg_info  | grep php
php5-5.2.6          PHP Scripting Language
php5-gd-5.2.6       The gd shared extension for php
php5-gettext-5.2.6  The gettext shared extension for php
php5-iconv-5.2.6    The iconv shared extension for php
php5-mbstring-5.2.6 The mbstring shared extension for php
php5-mhash-5.2.6    The mhash shared extension for php
php5-mysql-5.2.6    The mysql shared extension for php
php5-openssl-5.2.6  The openssl shared extension for php
php5-pcre-5.2.6     The pcre shared extension for php
php5-session-5.2.6  The session shared extension for php
php5-xml-5.2.6      The xml shared extension for php

This is on apache-2.0.63 and php 5.2.6 on FreeBSD 7.0.

In case it was an out of date dependency, I did a cvsup on the ports  
tree, then a portupgrade -fa .    it rebuilt all ports without any  

Has anyone else seen this?

Received on Mon May 19 2008 - 21:36:34 UTC

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