Re: 8.0-BETA2: two kernel lockups in one night

From: Anton - Valqk <>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 17:07:54 +0300
Hi there!
Thanks for the answer.
I've tested a 7-STABLE system and the benchmarks passed perfectly (I've
had a doubt in my hardware)...
I've installed 8Beta2 again and got some dumps and lockups again....
If I can help with something (I can give serial+ssh access to this
machine with 8Beta2 - it's testing machine at the current moment. Will
go in production in a month or so.)?
If I can't hope that this bug will get fixed until 8-STABLE (when was
the release date planned? sept?)
Thanks again
and cheers,

John Baldwin wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 August 2009 2:04:22 pm Anton - Valqk wrote:
>> Hi group.
>> I've installed amd64 8.0-BETA2 distro from iso from official ftp.
>> I knew there was a problem with hangs of the system because of disk io
>> (and this machine is going to be loaded) and started tesing with bonnie++
>> In about 5-6 hours the first lockup came into real.
>> Kernel went into dbg console and continue rebooted the system.
>> Few hours later bonnie started again - same thing in few hours I got the
>> second dump.
>> This is the bonnie++ opts I've used:
>> #> bonnie++ -u root -d /usr/test/ -c 10 -s 4098 -n 26000:100000:10:1000
>> -n 2048 -r 4098 -x 10000 -q -Z /dev/urandom > stat.html
>> and here are links to the txt dumps.
>> If someone is interested in the vmcore files let me know.
>> Are these issues known for  8.0-BETA2?
> I don't think these are known issues.  I think the two panics may be caused by 
> the same bug which looks to be a duplicate free() issue in the soft updates 
> code.
Received on Mon Aug 10 2009 - 12:08:00 UTC

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