Re: CFT: Graphics support for /boot/loader

From: pluknet <>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 20:17:19 +0300
Hi, Scott!

2009/2/6 Scott Long <>:
> Oliver Fromme wrote:
>> Hello fellow hackers,
>> Some of you might remember that I'm working on graphics
>> support for our /boot/loader.  Unfortunately, progress has
>> been rather slow because of non-FreeBSD-related activity.
>> Anyway, I have now prepared a tarball containing a loader
>> binary for public testing.  If you are eager to give it a
>> try, please feel free to do so.  It should work with any
>> FreeBSD version on i386 and amd64 platforms.
>> I have posted detailed instructions on the FreeBSD wiki:
>> Any kind of feedback is welcome.
> I think that this is really neat, you've done an impressive job
> with it good job.  However, I do take issue with your criticism
> of the ASCII logo; I actually spent a decent amount of time
> designing the block text logo =-)  I wish that there hadn't been
> moronic politics over the beastie logo, as that does look a lot
> better, even if it is text.  And text is still required for
> serial consoles.

Hey, then what's about that? ;)

--- /boot/beastie.4th        2008-08-19 23:59:01.000000000 +0600
+++ /boot/beastie.4th        2008-12-24 18:14:48.000000000 +0500
_at__at_ -109,6 +109,27 _at__at_
          at-xy ."     |____/|_____/|_____/"

+: share-logo ( x y -- )
+2dup at-xy ."            `````" 1+
+2dup at-xy ." `-/oo/-```.:oshddmmddhso:.```:+oo/." 1+
+2dup at-xy ." .--/shdmddNMMMMMMMMNNNdyhmddNNmh+--" 1+
+2dup at-xy ." `:--/smMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNy+mMMNmho/-::" 1+
+2dup at-xy ."  `/+dMMNMMMNNNNNNNNNNNmddNmho/:-/+" 1+
+2dup at-xy ."   /mNNNMMMNmmmddddhhhhhhsso/:-:+y" 1+
+2dup at-xy ."  :dmdmNMNmdhyso++///:::////::-++sh" 1+
+2dup at-xy ." `hdhdNMmhs+////:::::---------:://sy" 1+
+2dup at-xy ." -dsoyhhso/:::::::::--------.--.--+m" 1+
+2dup at-xy ." :d+/+++++/:::::::------------....oN" 1+
+2dup at-xy ." -m/://////:::::-------------...-/dm" 1+
+2dup at-xy ."  ys-:://////:::------------..--omN" 1+
+2dup at-xy ."  .d+-::///////:--------------:ohNd" 1+
+2dup at-xy ."   .ho-:::://////:::::::::///++shy" 1+
+2dup at-xy ."    `+s:-:::::////////+++++o+oyh+" 1+
+2dup at-xy ."      .+o/:::::///////++++osyy+" 1+
+2dup at-xy ."        `-//////////++ossys/-" 1+
+     at-xy ."            `..--::::::-."
 : print-logo ( x y -- )
     s" loader_logo" getenv
     dup -1 = if
_at__at_ -131,6 +152,11 _at__at_
+    2dup s" share" compare-insensitive 0= if
+        2drop
+        share-logo
+        exit
+    then
     2dup s" none" compare-insensitive 0= if
         \ no logo

(spied out from

Received on Fri Feb 06 2009 - 16:17:21 UTC

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