Re: RFC: ATA to CAM integration patch

From: Alexander Motin <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 17:18:01 +0300
Kamigishi Rei wrote:
> Alexander Motin wrote:
>> Sorry, my fault, it is the different bug, due to disabled invariants I 
>> have missed two locking issues. Here is regenerated patch, including 
>> this fix and all previous fixes and improvements:
> OK, a question about the module: sometimes I'm getting loads (20+) of 
> messages like
> ahcich1: ALL SLOTS BUSY!
> Is it purely informational or does it indicate a problem? (I'm using 
> Intel Q35+ICH9 in AHCI mode.)

It is bad. It must never happen. It means that driver got more commands 
then it has empty slots available. Results can be unpredictable.

How have you manage it? Were there any other messages around?

> P.S. Could you please change "Native Command Queueing Enabled" to 
> "Native Command Queueing enabled" ;) just for better looks, as many of 
> FreeBSD's kernel messages lack proper capitalization and such. Thanks ;)

Better looks - better works! :) Done.

Alexander Motin
Received on Mon Jun 29 2009 - 12:18:14 UTC

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