Re: Apparently spurious ZFS CRC errors (was Re: ZFS data error without reasons)

From: kevin <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 11:42:04 +0800
Bernd Walter wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 06:04:08PM +0000, Mark Powell wrote:
>> On Wed, 25 Mar 2009, Bernd Walter wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 03:21:28PM +0100, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
>>> I wouldn't be surprised if the problem is in the drive firmware.
>>> Preread and wc both have the potential to put a lot load to the drives
>>> and can trigger bugs that otherwise wouldn't matter.
>> I've emailed WD support for more info. Not expecting much though.
>> From reading other threads on these Green Power drives them seem rather 
>> crap. This is my model and firmware:
>> There's some head park problem too, but with 5s ZFS sync I don't think it 
>> applies in this case:
>>> I also have a system running WD drives and ECC RAM which show CRC errors
>> >from time to time, while all other systems have no CRC problem at all.
>> Interesting. Are those CRC problems with WC on or off?
> WC is on, prefetch is off, but only because it had bad performance with
> MySQL.
> Drives are <WDC WD3200AAKS-00SBA0/12.01B01> Serial ATA II
> I don't know if it is with the drives, but other reasons are less
> likely in my opinion.
> The system is located in a data center and since I only get a few errors
> I decided to live with it and not to debug it further.
I don't think it is drivers related.I tested on both <Seagate 
ST9320320AS SD03> ata2-master SATA150  and <FUJITSU MHW2160BH PL 
0084001E> ata2-master SATA150.


Received on Thu Mar 26 2009 - 02:42:13 UTC

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