Re: CURRENT && HDA Driver Revision: 20090401_0132 && no recording

From: Matthias Apitz <>
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 09:19:47 +0000
El día Sunday, May 17, 2009 a las 12:36:48AM +0300, Alexander Motin escribió:

> Matthias Apitz wrote:
> >I can't get to work recording in environment -CURRENT && HDA Driver
> >Revision: 20090401_0132
> >
> >the sound output is fine in KDE, but as well the KDE mixer does
> >not control it; only with mixer(1) command I can change the volume for
> >example; I've already tried all values for setting
> >
> >$ mixer =rec rdev
> >
> >but nothing helps switching on the micro. The man page of snd_hda(4)
> >explains a lot of device.hints(5) options, but understanding all this is
> >out of my control; I'm attaching a 'dmesg | fgrep hdac'.
> >
> >Any idea how to get recording switched on? I need this for business for
> >Skype... This is the last blocking point to switch over to my new Dell
> >M4400

btw: I have now already moved all my userland to the M4400;

> You have 3 recording sources available via 2 pcm devices. As I can see, 
> your built-in mic assigned to pcm1 device. Have you tried to record from 
> pcm1?

It was even more simple. I was only thinking that recording was not
working because I could not hear my own voice while speaking in the
headset (what I can hear for example in the EeePC 900 using snd_hda
too); that's why I did not tried the Echo Service of Skype; later on I
did tried it and it records fine from 'mic':

# mixer
Mixer vol      is currently set to  83:83
Mixer pcm      is currently set to 100:100
Mixer speaker  is currently set to 100:100
Mixer mix      is currently set to 100:100
Mixer rec      is currently set to 100:100
Recording source: mic

> PS: `dmesg | fgrep pcm` is also interesting.

# dmesg | fgrep pcm
pcm0: <HDA IDT 92HD71B7 PCM #0 Analog> at cad 0 nid 1 on hdac0
pcm1: <HDA IDT 92HD71B7 PCM #1 Analog> at cad 0 nid 1 on hdac0
pcm2: <HDA IDT 92HD71B7 PCM #2 Digital> at cad 0 nid 1 on hdac0

The last (non blocking) problem is to get support for the Wifi card:
EMEA Intel Pro Wireless WI-FI 5100 (802.11a/g/ Draft-n)
or replace it by some other card (the card is a plug-in card and can be
changed by the user in the laptop).

Thanks for your reply in any case.


Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <> - w
People who hate Microsoft Windows use Linux but people who love UNIX use FreeBSD.
Received on Sun May 17 2009 - 05:19:44 UTC

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