SATA DVD not found - FreeBSD 8.0-RC1

From: Dwayne MacKinnon <>
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 03:04:12 -0400
Hi guys,

Gotta say, for the most part I'm thrilled with 8.0-RC1. Been very solid for 
me, no stability problems. The Linux "Emulation" works great... I have 
everything from Skype and Acrobat8 to UT2004 & Neverwinter Nights working. 

I just wanted to mention that my SATA DVD writer isn't seen when in AHCI mode. 
The SATA harddrive works great at UDMA150, but the CD drive isn't seen. It is 
seen by BIOS... I can boot off the DVD. But if I boot off the HD the DVD isn't 

I have an ASUS M4N72-E motherboard and a LG GH22NS50 SATA DVD writer.

I realize that this may be just something that will be worked out when 8.0-
RELEASE hits the street. But I figured I ought to mention it regardless.

Keep up the great work!

Received on Sun Oct 18 2009 - 05:29:35 UTC

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