HEADS UP: ports/ and 10.0-CURRENT

From: Ade Lovett <ade_at_FreeBSD.org>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 23:03:35 -0500
With the advent of the conversion of HEAD to 10.0-CURRENT and, as to be
expected, ports/ is going to be essentially unusable for a while.

The issue stems from configure scripts (to choose something completely
at random) assuming that FreeBSD would never jump to a double-digit
major version number, and as such, various regexps for "freebsd1*" (ie:
FreeBSD 1.1.x) are now matching "freebsd10".

This is going to be some fairly fundamental breakage.

However, until such time as 9.0-RELEASE is completely out of the door,
with autotools hat on, I will _not_ be committing any changes to
infrastructural ports to "fix" this.

That is to say, until 9.0-R happens, and for some considerable period
afterwards, ya'll can pretty much expect ports/ to be non-functional on
HEAD.  PRs mentioning this will be gleefully closed referencing this


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Received on Tue Sep 27 2011 - 02:29:37 UTC

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