Re: [Call For Help] Clang + OpenJDK + head + amd64 == cocktail of death (for clusters)

From: Peter Jeremy <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 19:31:46 +1000
On 2013-Jul-25 10:39:17 +0200, Baptiste Daroussin <> wrote:
>After some investigation we discover that blacklisting openjdk6 allows the
>building process to go to completion again.
>It seems to happen only on head amd64, so far we think it is only
>happening when jdk is built with clang.

This mail arrives at an opportune time.  I've just discovered that if
I build openjdk6 with clang (on head/amd64), the resultant jdk SEGV's
if I again try to build openjdk6.  If I build it with "USE_GCC=any"
then the problem goes away.

>I have no time, neither skill to investigate that,

I don't have the time to investigate further but forcing the use of gcc
instead of clang is at least a workaround.

Peter Jeremy

Received on Thu Jul 25 2013 - 07:32:01 UTC

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