[CURRENT, ezjail] rc, rc.subr and other rc. scripts gone: ezjail fails on 12-ALPHA

From: O. Hartmann <ohartmann_at_walstatt.org>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2018 09:06:37 +0200
Hash: SHA512

I'm using ezjail-admin from ports (most recent tree, up to date as of today, at Revision:
478001, FreeBSD is FreeBSD 12.0-ALPHA3 #455 r338309: Sat Aug 25 07:10:45 CEST 2018 amd64,
the jails sources are at revision 338309).

Updates of the jail's base is taken from /usr/src or another path (in case of another
path, ezjail-admin update -i requires the setting of evn MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX= some/place).

Updating jails and creating new jails has worked for a while, but recently, newly created
jails fail to start because the initial start routine bringing up the jail dumps an error
about /bin/sh /etc/rc missing!

Investigating a complete fresh ezajil setup (on ZFS) reveals, that neither in fulljail,
newjail or basejail any of the initial rc-srcipts rc or rc.subr is present any more! I
stopped looking for other missing scripts since rc and rc.subr are crucial and essential
to the system, so I guess there has been introduced a sort of bug recently in the way
FreeBSD 12 is going to handle/keep/store rc scripts in the source tree or their
installation and ezjai didn't catch up so far.

I already filed a PR (see Bug 230822), but I'm unsure whether this is a "real" bug or I
did just miss some important changes and I didn't catch up.

Thanks in advance,


- -- 
O. Hartmann

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Received on Sat Aug 25 2018 - 05:07:21 UTC

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