Re: FreeBSD Core Team Response to Controversial Social Media Posts

From: Sulev-Madis Silber <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2019 18:53:13 +0300
the discussion somehow diverted away from original idea...

as i'm not politically correct person at all, i say that single report is
not enough...
it doesn't matter if legit or troll...
it's also quite wrong if case gets special attention just because offended
person adds that (s)he's discriminated because x

i actually find it weird why the problem can't be directed to specific
person... why do we need to turn it into "against group" issue

On Monday, May 20, 2019, <> wrote:
> Am 2019-05-20 11:33, schrieb Igor Mozolevsky:
>> So you think a discussion on whether it is appropriate that CoC Ctte
>> restricts freedom of expression is bikeshedding?
>> Thank you for your valuable contribution!
> IMO, the CoC was not meant to solve, decide or even regulate discussion
about decades-old, very controversial geo-political problems.
> As such, I don't think it even applies here and the complaint should be
dismissed on these grounds.
> Of course, the FreeBSD project is free to boot developers from its ranks
more or less at will (not sure if you can sue your way back in) - but for
that a new CoC wouldn't have been needed to begin with ;-)
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Received on Mon May 20 2019 - 13:53:16 UTC

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