Hi, could someone please verify/confirm that ssh is useable from sysinstall's fixit mode (using the fixit CD)? The reason I'm asking this is as follows: 1. I'm dump(8)ing all filesystems (including /, /usr, ...) to a remote dumphost, piping dump's output via ssh and dd. 2. I'd like to be able to restore a root disk's filesystems (not only filesystems with production data) from the dumphost using the fixit mode and a mounted fixit CD. In 4.x, this doesn't work, because the random number generator doesn't get initialized (?). There may be issues with host keys initialization as well. Up until now, I could only restore a root disk (a.k.a / and /usr) by slipping the drive in a working box and restoring from there. I'm sure there is a better way, at least with a working ssh in fixit mode. Sorry, I should have verified this with 5.1-BETA CDs before posting, but I don't have the bandwidth to D/L them right now. Perhaps the problem is already fixed? Thanks, -FH. -- Farid Hajji -- Unix Systems and Network Management. http://www.farid-hajji.net/address.html Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore." --Edgar Allan Poe.Received on Wed May 21 2003 - 16:50:54 UTC
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