Re: Question on quieting kernel boot

From: Jon Noack <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 11:48:29 -0600
On 1/13/2004 11:36 AM, Doug White wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, Rob MacGregor wrote:
>>I'm sure this'll cause a long debate, however...
>>What I'd like is some option to make the boot quieter - a way of hiding the
>>informational kernel messages that (once the system has been built) serve
>>little purpose.  I'm specifically referring to the identification of
>>devices, loading of kernel modules, config of the loopback interface (or any
>>other statically configured interfaces), messages about clean disk
>>partitions etc.
> You could enable serial console -- then you'll get nothing until the
> ttyv* terminals start up. But if something explodes, you'll have to plug
> in a serial cable. :)
> Killing the kenrel output is probably doable but removing output from rc
> scripts is a bit more sizable task.
>>The advantage (from my perspective) is that the remaining messages should be
>>error messages and messages confirming service startup.  That way spotting
>>problems should be easier.
> I've seen the boot so many times that I know when it looks wrong, but I'm
> wierd and not a part of the redsplat generation.
>>Is this possible already?  If not would it be useful?
> There used to be a way of hiding the kernel boot behind a spash screen,
> not sure if that still works.

The splash screen still works fine -- it would be even better if you 
could return to the boot messages by hitting ESC (or the like).  Sadly, 
there's no way off the splash screen through most of the boot.

Here's a page on the splash screens:

Received on Tue Jan 13 2004 - 08:46:48 UTC

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