Re: boot banner project

From: /dev/null <>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:17:16 -0700 (PDT)
> Michael Nottebrock said:
>> With CRTs on the retreat though, less and less people care about refresh
>> rates ... you'll probably join that camp at some point as well. :-)
> I wouldn't count them out just yet! I still have a 7 year old 19" Sony
> Trinitron that is kicking butt, despite the fact that it has about 10
> battle scars from rolling around in a truck bed (don't ask). I haven't
> switched it with an LCD just because it still has better clarity and color
> quality than any LCD I've seen.

Yes! I couldn't agree more. I've been *enjoying* a 20" NEC Multisync XL
(is trinitron too) that inspite of being a 60Hz fixed freq. is *still*
clearer and provides more brilliant color than any LCD I've seen.


> --
> Ryan Sommers
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Received on Thu Apr 28 2005 - 20:17:27 UTC

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