Re: Poor NFS server performance in 6.0 with SMP and mpsafenet=1

From: Gavin Atkinson <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 11:45:47 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Robert Watson wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Gavin Atkinson wrote:
>> On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 16:23 +0100, Bernd Walter wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 02:58:36PM +0000, Gavin Atkinson wrote:
>>>> I'm seeing incredibly poor performance when serving files from an SMP
>>>> FreeBSD 6.0RC1 server to a Solaris 10 client.  I've done some
>>>> experimenting and have discovered that either removing SMP from the
>>>> kernel, or setting debug.mpsafenet=0 in loader.conf massively improves
>>>> the speed.  Switching preemption off seems to also help.
>>> Which scheduler?
>> BSD.  As I say, I'm running 6.0-RC1 with the standard GENERIC kernel, apart 
>> from the options I have listed as being changed above.  Polling is 
>> therefore also not enabled.
> This does sound like a scheduling problem.  I realize it's time-consuming, 
> but would it be possible to have you run each of the above test cases twice 
> more (or maybe even once) to confirm that in each case, the result is 
> reproduceable?  I've recently been looking at a scheduling problem relating 
> to PREEMPTION and the netisr for loopback traffic, and is basically a result 
> of poorly timed context switching ending up being a worst cast scenario.  I 
> suspect something similar is likely here.  Have you tried varying the number 
> of nfsd worker threads on the server to see how that changes matters?

No problem.  Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you, it's been a 
hectic week :( Anyway, the trend is consistantly reproducable, although 
the results themselves can vary between runs in the SMP/mpsafenet cases by 
as much as 20%. Here are the averages of three reruns, which I've also 
done for ULE:

 					4BSD	 ULE
No SMP, mpsafenet=1			 78.7	 62.7
No SMP, mpsafenet=0			 71.1	 76.0
No SMP, mpsafenet=1, no PREEMPTION	 54.7	 55.5
No SMP, mpsafenet=0, no PREEMPTION	 73.6	 77.6
    SMP, mpsafenet=1			346.5	309.5
    SMP, mpsafenet=0			 56.9	 88.4
    SMP, mpsafenet=1, no PREEMPTION	320.2	136.6
    SMP, mpsafenet=0, no PREEMPTION	 57.0	 77.9

The above are results for 4 nfsd servers (nfsd -n 4).  It turns out that 
you were correct in thinking that the number of nfsd processes would make 
a difference, here are some timings for the GENERIC+SMP kernel (eg with 
PREEMPTION/4BSD, the slowest one above), with varying numbers of 

   1	  2	  4	  8	  12	  16
52.8	59.2	319.3	356.1	377.3	388.1

As before, all tests were done with freshly rebooted server and with a 
single "dry run" transfer to warm the vm cache up.  The file transferred 
each time is 512meg worth of /dev/random output.  I'm actually quite 
surprised about how much difference reducing the number of threads made.

Does all of this information help track down the cause of the problem? 
I'm happy to time more transfers with different configs if you want to 
explore other avenues.


Received on Thu Nov 10 2005 - 10:45:56 UTC

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