Re: Any successful installs on a Broadcom HT1000 chipset?

From: Mike Tancsa <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:16:57 -0500
At 07:26 AM 11/21/2007, Barney Cordoba wrote:
>I've done a bit of research and it seems that this
>chipset has been ignored for years now by the FreeBSD
>team. Whats the reasoning for a major chipset used by

I think you are jumping to conclusions.  I have a HT1000 chipset 
board and have been using it just fine for some 
There obviously are some cases were it does not, so its harder to 
track down than just a case of spending $150.  If you do have such a 
board that does not work, perhaps make the offer of sending the 
problem board to a developer who is interested in fixing the issue.

Received on Wed Nov 21 2007 - 13:17:02 UTC

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