Re: git and the loss of revision numbers

From: monochrome <>
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 10:11:04 -0500
ok, this appears to be what I was looking for

git reset --hard f20c0e331
git pull --ff-only
is again able to update as normal

I should point out also that this is from the point of view of any 
random person just building freebsd from source, not a developer, so 
there are no local changes. Though it does blow away changes to the conf 
file, that's a lesser issue to deal with.


On 12/29/20 9:37 AM, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> On 2020-12-29 02:56, Pete Wright wrote:
>> On 12/28/20 4:38 PM, monochrome wrote:
>>> what would be the git command for reverting source to a previous
>>> version using these numbers? for example, with svn and old numbers:
>>> svnlite update -r367627 /usr/src
>> I will generally just checkout the short git hash like so in my local
>> checkout:
>> $ git checkout gb81783dc98e6
>> you can quickly get the hashes by running "git log" from your checkout.
> I think that git checkout <commit> is a wrong tool here.
> I personally would use git reset --hard <commit>.
> Note that that command would also revert any local uncommitted changes
> as well!
> My view of the difference between the commands:
> - checkout: stage[*] a change that would modify the current state of the
> branch to the selected commit's state
> - reset: change the current branch (its head) to point to the selected
> commit
> [*] by stage I mean modify the working copy and the index.
> That is, if after git checkout you would run git commit then you would
> commit a change that reverts the current branch to the selected point.
Received on Tue Dec 29 2020 - 14:11:08 UTC

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